My Month as a “Disconnected” Educator–Part I

In Part I, I describe the Connected Educator Month and what activities I’d participate in if I were not so “disconnected” right now. In Part II, I describe what I have learned from being a “disconnected” educator this month. Apparently, August is Connected Educator Month. This is a project funded by the US Department of Education to support educators in building their personal learning networks (PLNs). … Continue reading My Month as a “Disconnected” Educator–Part I

My Month as a “Disconnected” Educator–Part II

In Part I, I described Connected Educator Month, and how I have purposefully “disconnected” this month by heading out to the mountain deserts of my youth, and next week off to a sleepy, coastal Mexican village. Like today, I check in every once in a while, which is the only reason I even found out about the Connected Educator Month activities, which inspired these posts. So, what have … Continue reading My Month as a “Disconnected” Educator–Part II

Getting the Picture: Writing in a Parallel Pedagogy Classroom

It has been a while since Joel Malley provided the following video in preparation for a congressional briefing on digital literacies. However, after a couple of months of conference attendance, I think the video is still needed, relevant and effective in providing a picture of the changing nature of writing in the digital age, and the pedagogical changes that must follow. What I appreciate most about … Continue reading Getting the Picture: Writing in a Parallel Pedagogy Classroom

Tips on Tech in Class: Using a Strategic Writing Framework

Following last week’s blog posts about the affordances of composing with various tools both on and offline, writer and educator @erinehsani and I had a quick exchange on Twitter:!/erinehsani/status/93708133888835585 In thinking about “Tips for Tech in Class,” I immediately thought of a section of our  forthcoming book due out to the public any day now, Developing Writers: Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age: There … Continue reading Tips on Tech in Class: Using a Strategic Writing Framework