Sticks and Stones May Break my Bones, but Your Words CAN Affect my Literacy

The following is a Guest Post from Phil Park who is currently studying at New York University’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development as a Masters student on a track to teach Educational Theatre and English in Secondary Education. You can join him in the conversation to promote tolerance through literacy education on Twitter by using the hashtag #teachread. Together we can change a nation! … Continue reading Sticks and Stones May Break my Bones, but Your Words CAN Affect my Literacy

There’s Literacy and There are Contemporary Literacies

Where did these come from?  Via Twitter, I came across the idea from Mrs. Baldwin and her class at Anastasis Academy to use the memo below (claimed to be given to Apple employees on their first day of work) as inspiration to do some end-of-semester reflection in a content area literacy and language development course on what it means to be literate. Above are some of … Continue reading There’s Literacy and There are Contemporary Literacies